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What is Operational excellence?

Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence is the art and science of optimal integration of  Information, Materials, Equipment, People and Standard Work Methods into a well designed  workplace  layout in order to deliver  Defect-Free product / service at  stable and consistent Process Performance ,at the pace of Customer Demand and at a Competitive Price,  which generates a Profit for the enterprise.


Operational Excellence is simple a key enabler for  Growth and Market Leadership as well as the paving the way for continuous excellence and innovation.


Operational Excellence key enablers

•Just-in-Time Production

•World Class Quality

•High Performing Teams

•Operational Stability

•Supplier Capability

Our Experience with  Operational excellence:


We have Implemented Operational Excellence programs across three different types of manufacturing

•Manual manufacturing Process

  Electronics, Medical Devices, Packaging Process,..

•Semi-Automated Manufacturing Process

  Food Processing, Pouch manufacturing, Medical Optics,…

•Fully Automated Manufacturing Process

  Nutrition Products, Food Processing,…


We have also implemented Operational Excellence in Call Centers, Technical Support centers, Quality Control Labs.

Examples of the results Achieved


1. 100% Employ Engagement and accountability

2. Supervisor development as a true Front Line Leader

3. 60-80% Change Over Reductions

4. 15-25% OEE increase for Fully Automated Manufacturing lines with more than 20 highly complex machines!!!

5. Machine Running Standard work for every Equipment

6. 80% Increase in Operator Capability with a cross-training matrix for 100%

7. 60% increase in Technicians capability with a cross-training matrix for 100%

8. 90% reduction  Pouch packing defects

9. 45-62% Productivity Improvement

10. 70% Scrap Reduction

11. 80% reduction in Human errors

12. 73% cycle Time reductions

13. Zero Incident rate ( 50% Reduction)

14. Visual management Control Board for every Line

15. Standard work package for every Process and Every line


Please e-mail us at  and we would be great to set up a call with you to discuss your needs and how can we help you achieve Operational Excellence.

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